A Star Is Born

Sarira Merikhi
6 min readNov 10, 2023


Let there be light


In the continuation of the captivating story of Sawulak, a mythical narrative that weaves together ancient characters and myths, we introduce Nahid, a character of profound significance. This article delves into the origins and essence of Nahid, exploring her unique qualities and role in this enchanting saga.

Meet Nahid:

To truly appreciate the character of Nahid, we must first acquaint ourselves with her origins. Nahid, also known as Anahita, is the Old Persian incarnation of an Iranian goddess, revered as the embodiment of “the Waters” (Aban) in Indo-Iranian cosmology. She is closely associated with concepts of fertility, healing, and wisdom. Iran even houses a temple dedicated to Anahita, highlighting her enduring cultural significance.

In Middle and Modern Persian, she is referred to as Aredvi Sura Anahita or Ardwisur Anahid, while in Armenian, she is known as Anahit. Notably, the symbol of goddess Anahita is the Lotus flower, celebrated through the Iranian Lotus Festival, which takes place at the beginning of summer.

Anahita’s presence transcends geographical boundaries, as Greek and Roman historians of classical antiquity identify her as Anaïtis or assimilate her with deities from their own pantheons. Her influence extends beyond the realm of mythology, with a silicaceous S-type asteroid, 270 Anahita, bearing her name.

Anahita Dish, 400–600 AD, Sasanian, Iran, silver and gilt — Cleveland Museum of Art

Nahid’s character is a striking contrast to Sawulak. As a woman, she possesses a unique blend of essential powers and pure energies, setting her apart in this fantastical narrative. Her journey is poised to be one fraught with challenges, and we eagerly anticipate the unfolding of her story.

In this installment, we find Sawulak in a state of peaceful slumber after conquering the earth. To understand his journey and significance, I encourage readers to refer to the companion article titled “The Path of the Sawulak” (accessible at https://medium.com/@sarira-merikhi-art/path-of-the-sawulak-8bff05f770bc). As he rests, Nahid, a celestial legend of benevolence, descends to earth, marking the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in this extraordinary tale.

The story of Sawulak and Nahid is a testament to the timeless allure of mythology and its enduring relevance in our lives. By drawing on ancient characters and myths, the author has crafted a narrative that promises to captivate and inspire readers as it unfolds. Stay tuned for the further adventures of Nahid and Sawulak, where the interplay of power, destiny, and mythology takes center stage.

First piece of the Collection:

I’ve titled this piece “Let There Be Light,” inspired by one of the verses from the Bible. When God uttered the words, “Let there be light,” during the act of creation, and light suddenly emerged, it symbolized God’s incredible creative prowess and absolute mastery over all. The tangible light that God brought forth on the very first day of creation beautifully symbolizes the transformative work He accomplishes within the hearts of those who place their trust in Christ, the True Light. There’s no longer a need to wander in the obscurity of sin and death; through Christ, we are assured that we will “never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

The Last Guardian

The Piece

Ever since she set foot on the ground (after Sawulak’s conquest of the world), she has faced such a scene.

There are no good forces on Earth, and Sawulak has destroyed all of them, and now strange and dark creatures rule the Earth.

The Scream by Edvard Munch

Inspired by Edvard Munch’s painting “The Scream,” Nahid has reacted to the Earth’s situation in this way, and now she must take the next steps…

Nahid Hunts the Bear

The Link

In a world plunged into darkness by the malevolent “Sawulak”, a beacon of hope emerged — Nahid. Descending to Earth, she was confronted with the chaos and destruction that Sawulak had sown. The once vibrant world was now a shadow of its former self, its life force drained by Sawulak’s relentless onslaught.

Undeterred, Nahid made a solemn vow. She would undo every single act of devastation that Sawulak had inflicted upon their world. She understood that this was no small task. The damage was extensive, and Sawulak’s energy seemed inexhaustible. But Nahid was resolute. She would chip away at the destruction, piece by piece, gradually reducing Sawulak’s energy until she could finally destroy him.

This chapter of the tale brings us to a pivotal moment in Nahid’s mission. She has captured the bear, a symbol of the bear market. This act is a direct counter to Sawulak’s earlier deed, where he slayed the Bull (read here: https://medium.com/@sariramerikhi/path-of-the-sawulak-8bff05f770bc), plunging the market into a downward spiral. Nahid’s capture of the bear signifies her determination to reverse the tide, to restore balance to the market and weaken Sawulak’s influence.

As Nahid sets about destroying the bear, we see the symbol of Sawulak — a two-headed snake — lurking ominously in the background. It’s a stark reminder of the ever-present threat that Sawulak poses. But it also underscores Nahid’s courage and resolve in the face of such formidable adversity.

This piece is a labor of love, a testament to the countless hours spent perfecting every detail. Each symbol has been meticulously incorporated, adding layers of depth to the narrative. It’s a visual feast, inviting viewers to delve deeper, to uncover the rich symbolism and appreciate the intricate interplay of elements.

But the saga is far from over. Nahid’s journey is fraught with challenges. There are tasks yet to be accomplished, battles yet to be fought. As we eagerly await the unfolding chapters, we find ourselves rooting for Nahid, our champion in this epic battle against Sawulak.

Stay tuned as I continue to traverse this riveting journey, witnessing Nahid’s relentless pursuit of justice and her unwavering commitment to restoring peace and harmony to their world.

The Rebirth of Hope

Pandora’s box, a term that has transcended its mythological origins to become a metaphor for unleashing great troubles, finds its roots in the ancient Greek epic “Works and Days” by Hesiod⁸. According to the myth, Pandora was the first woman on Earth, fashioned by the gods as a punishment for humanity after Prometheus stole fire from Olympus. Each deity endowed her with gifts, hence her name meaning “the one who bears all gifts”.

Pandora was given a pithos, a large storage jar, which she was forbidden to open. However, driven by the curiosity instilled in her by the gods, she lifted the lid, and out poured all the miseries of the world — sickness, death, and a myriad of other sorrows⁹. In a desperate attempt to seal the jar, she trapped one thing inside: hope.

The story of Pandora’s box serves as a theodicy, an attempt to explain why evil exists in the world. It also speaks to the human condition, our innate curiosity, and the unintended consequences that can arise from our actions. The myth underscores the belief that alongside the darkest of evils, there remains an undying glimmer of hope, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

In your artwork, Nahid’s quest to break the spell of the Iranian pitcher, the transformed Pandora’s box, is a powerful continuation of this ancient narrative, intertwining the threads of Greek and Iranian mythologies to create a new tapestry of meaning for contemporary times.

